Carlos Roque passed away
Il nostro corrispondente Leonardo De Sà ci ha appena comunicato la scomparsa di Carlos Roque, noto autore portoghese che ha lavorato anche in Belgio, tra l'altro per il settimanale Spirou, avvenuta il 27 luglio 2006. Era nato il 12 aprile 1936. 

 Just received from Leonardo De Sá:  Carlos Roque passed away on July 27. He was a well-known artist who debuted in Portugal in comic book "Camarada" (2nd series) in 1959 and also worked in Belgium for several years starting in 1964 first producing advertisement comic strips for studio Publiart and afterwards for Publiart-Jeunesse, two sections of Éditions du Lombard, with stories namely by Yves Duval. In November 1965 he started in magazine “Spirou” where he produced several series, namely “Angélique” in 1968-71, with stories by his wife, Monique Roque (also sometimes Raoul Cauvin and Charles Jadoul). With Monique he also created in 1969 the adventures of the duckling “Wladimyr”, with which he won the Saint-Michel Award in Brussels in 1976. For decades he supplied the design of "Spirou", also working for its Dutch counterpart, "Robbedoes", after 1983. He was born in Lisbon on April 12, 1936, and died in Louvain, Belgium, on July 27, 2006. Check: -

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Mercoledì, 2/8/2006
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