The Great Challenge - La Grande Sfida

The Great Challenge is an exhibition of international political cartoons, for which cartoonists from 256 newspapers worldwide have been invited to submit works on the continuing threats to freedom of expression. The exhibition coincides with  this years 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whose Article 19 states; ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.’ Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights 10th December 1948 The Great Challenge is a non-profit event, with all proceeds going to  Amnesty International, Index on Censorship, and The National Cartoon Art’s Trust, who will be represented at the exhibition. It will open in November, at the landmark OXO tower, by the banks of the river Thames. We have a web site at
We would like as many cartoonists as possible to be aware of and contribute to the exhibition. Please email urgently at
The Great Challenge è una mostra internazionale di cartoon politici, in occasione dei 50 anni della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani. Invitiamo gli autori italiani a partecipare: mettetevi in contatto con gli amici inglesi all'indirizzo e guardate il loro sito all'url

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Giovedì, 16/7/1998
© copyright afNews/Goria/Autore - ISSN 1971-1824 - cod-Notizie

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