SCOOP!!! Ultim'ora! Found The First Disney Story by Scarpa!

E' stato ritrovato il primo lavoro in assoluto realizzato da Scarpa all'estero con personaggi Disney! Era per il "MM Weekly" inglese, nel '58!! Lo ha confermato egli stesso dopo aver scavato nella memoria. La storia in questione, si intitola "Twin Trouble"; per visionare la prima tavola di questa storia "dimenticata" andate a quest'url:

Good News. I've not been able yet to see the Scarpa page Dave found in "MM Weekly" (1958). Indeed, suggested by Eta, I spoke with Romano, yesterday, and I talked also about it. Well, You're right!! It's Romano. He didn't remember anything about it. He told me that yes... He had some connection with them, but... Then we spoke about other arguments (like his animated films and the possibility to host, in a next-to-come Lucca Comics convention an exhibition of drawings and pictures of his characters, and maybe also a new version of the "Blue Book" we wrote around ten years ago. He'd be happy of it! Then I went out of home and this very morning I found a message by Romano in my answering machine. He thought for a while about the Sunday Page, and remembered that... YES! Those works for the English market are his very first Disney comics ever published (also before working for Mondadori). Isn'it a scoop? He made two or three pages (but maybe also that one "saw the light"). He remembers also that the English publisher provided the texts, and sent him back one page, where it was necessary to draw Mickey and Goofy like a sort of "fancy" policemen. He drew them in the dresses used by the characters of the comic strip "Audax" (you know what I mean, I think), but the publisher tod him that no, they ought to be dressed like Mounties. So, Romano drew 'em for the second time and sent back the page to London. Is this one that Dave found? Later, his collaboration with Mondadori took place and there was no more need to make Mickeys for England. So, now, I thank you really for rediscovering Scarpa's early professional unknown works. I wish to publish them in Italy, in some form. For example, in the new "Blue Book" (when it shall come out, in 2000? Maybe), but also in Scarpa's next "Maestri Disney", in late 1998! I'll try to "oper" again the Dave and Eta's file. You can guess how curious now I am... So, we all must rewrite (a little bit) Scarpa's chronology!! You can see the first panel at:
(Luca Boschi)

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Giovedì, 16/7/1998
© copyright afNews/Goria/Autore - ISSN 1971-1824 - cod-Notizie

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