Eroi marittimi - All the sharks! - comic strip heroes at sea

E' aperta fino al 16 settembre 2001 la mostra dedicata agli eroi del fumetto marinaro, nel Museo della Marina di Rotterdam ( Ci si incontra Corto Maltese, Popeye, Tintin, Thorgal, Asterix ecc. ovviamente in tavole originali e con schizzi e bozzetti di navi e battelli...

"16 December 2000 to 16 September 2001 in Rotterdam - 'All the sharks' is a familiar (Dutch) expression of the cartoon hero Popeye the sailor man. As one of the ten most prominent cartoon heroes, his importance has been acknowledged along with other greats such as Captain Rob, Corto Maltese and Kappie. Also Willy and Wanda, Asterix and Obelix, Franka, Tin tin, Thorgal and Douwe Dabbert have kept us enthralled with their sea passages to far and distant places. Our heroes have led us, as only they could do, through their unique cartoon reality and have allowed us to share in their adventures, trials and tribulations. As our heroes have survived through thick and thin to see another day and to fight another battle so too has this wonderful literary medium of the cartoon comic. In addition to our top ten cartoon heroes there are a further 100 plus comic books on view containing other cartoon characters along with their adventures on the high sea." Info:

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Martedì, 28/8/2001
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