afNews 4 Febbraio 2022 11:17

Il Festival di Lyon 17 dal 10 al 12 giugno 2022

c.s.: “The Lyon BD team is pleased to announce the 17th edition of its festival on June 10th, 11th and 12th! More than ever, the diversity of styles and themes will make the festival shine with original exhibitions and surprising guests, in the magnificent setting of the city of Lyon of course.

We all missed being together and Lyon BD Festival will be the time for reunion! Gathering authors, professionals of the graphic novel and audiences of all ages. Gathering also comic art together with other arts and forms of expression: music, video games, performing arts, to name but a few.

We invite you throughout the month of June in Lyon and surroundings to celebrate the 9th art and, of course, to join the big family of the Lyon BD Festival on the second weekend of June.”

Nicolas Piccato,
Lyon BD Festival Director

The 17th edition of the Lyon BD Festival will take place from 10 to 12 June 2022

The 2022 edition offers a complete and eventful programme without, we hope, the constraints imposed by the previous year. About fifty authors from all over the world will be present to let the public discover their worlds. Artists and professionals from the cultural and creative industries will also boost the festival through meetings, drawing concerts, workshops, round tables and other formats.

Moreover, the entire month of June will be dedicated to comics all over Lyon and surroundings in over 80 partners venues.

Copyright: Le Petit Bulletin

An edition with an international outlook

Since its creation, Lyon BD Festival has always been keen to promote comics beyond its borders. The association is involved in several international projects with the aim of broadening the 9th art, fostering artistic exchanges and encouraging artists and passionate people.


In this dynamic, Lyon BD is the driving force behind the Comic Art Europe project (within Europe Creative), for which the association federates four European countries around comics and its ecosystem: England, Belgium, Spain and France. This initiative, open to all of European citizens, is based on:

  • A programme of creative residencies
  • Professional training for emerging artists through summer camps
  • Cultural and educational mediation, through literacy workshops using comics for example.

This year, the works of 5 artists selected during the 2021 call for projects on the theme “vision of tomorrow” will be presented through a global exhibition and dedicated events :

  • Maria Surducan, Romanian artist in creative residency in Lyon last September,
  • Meikel Mathias, German author, in residence in Kendal in Great Britain with the LICAF (Lakes International Comic Art Festival)
  • Marine de Mazery, French author in creative residency in the UK in October 2021
  • Filipa Beleza, Portuguese author hosted by the Belgian Comic Strip Centre in September2021
  • Karrie Fransman, English author who works on comics in virtual reality. She has completed a long-distance creative residency with the Joso School in Barcelona in 2021.

France-Portugal season

As part of the France-Portugal year, several emerging Portuguese authors will be invited to share their works with the public and to engage in a co-creation project with their French counterparts.

Burmese artists in the spotlight

The leading artists from Myanmar, Yuand Wooh, welcomed by Lyon BD since the beginning of the year to work on their next work about the “coup d’état” of February 1st 2021 in their country, will honour us with their presence at Lyon BD Festival 2022!

The whole world in Lyon

Canada, in honour of the long-standing relationship between Lyon BD and Québec BD, will also be celebrated through an exhibition and Canadian comic talents.
The presence of Korean and Japanese publishers and artists will dive the public into the hyper-trendy universe of oriental comics.

The festival’s partner venues

 Copyright: Lyon, Capitale

The public will be able to visit places historically linked to the festival, such as the Hôtel de Ville (cityhall), as well key cultural venues in Lyon such as the Théâtre Comédie Odéon, the Théâtre des Célestins, the Galerie des Terreaux and the FNAC Bellecour, where there will be exhibitions, meetings, workshops and some other activities.
Following the success of the 2021 edition’s “bookshop trail”, Lyon’s bookshops will naturally be associated with the event, in particular by welcoming authors for meetings and signings from Friday 10 June 2022.
Finally, the professional day will take place on the same Friday at the Hôtel de Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. The programme will include meetings, conferences, round tables and presentations of new forms of comics.

Nicolas PICCATO, Director
Clara DELON, Communication and media relations for France
BUCH CONTACT, Murielle ROUSSEAU & Charlotte BOSCHEN, international media relations ( )  

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