afNews 28 Giugno 2022 08:47

Georges Wolinski b.1934 segnala: Georges Wolinski (French: [vɔlɛ̃ski]; 28 June 1934 – 7 January 2015) was a French Jewish cartoonist and comics writer. He was killed on 7 January 2015 in a terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo along with other staff.

Wolinski began cartooning for Rustica in 1958. He began to draw political cartoons in 1960.] Three years later, in 1961, he started contributing political and erotic cartoons and comic strips to the satirical monthly Hara-Kiri.

During the student revolts of May 1968, Wolinski co-founded the satirical magazine L’Enragé with Siné. He served as the editor-in-chief of Charlie Hebdo from 1961 to 1970. In the early 1970s, Wolinski collaborated with the comics artist Georges Pichard to create Paulette which appeared in Charlie Mensuel and provoked reactions in France during its publication. Wolinski’s work appeared in the daily newspaper Libération, the weekly Paris-Match, L’Écho des savanes and Charlie Hebdo.

In 2005, he was the recipient of the Grand Prix de la ville d’Angoulême at the Angoulême Festival. The same year he was also awarded the Legion of Honour.

Wolinski was killed, along with seven of his colleagues, two police officers, and two others on 7 January 2015 in the Charlie Hebdo shooting when armed gunmen stormed the Charlie Hebdo newspaper offices in Paris.

At Comiclopedia —
At Wikipedia —
In the GCD — (some explicit covers)

By Alvaro – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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