afNews 31 Agosto 2022 08:55

Anniversari: Marvel Comics 1 1939, Silvio Spaventa Filippi b.1871 segnala: In 1939, pulp-magazine publisher Martin Goodman expanded into the newly emerging comic book field by buying content from comics package Funnies, Inc.. His first effort, Marvel Comics #1 (cover-dated Oct. 1939), from his company Timely Publications, featured the first appearances of writer-artist Carl Burgos’ android superhero, the Human Torch, and Paul Gustavson’s costumed detective the Angel. As well, it contained the first generally available appearance of Bill Everett’s mutant anti-hero Namor the Sub-Mariner, created for the unpublished movie-theater giveaway comic, Motion Picture Funnies Weekly earlier that year, with the eight-page original story now expanded by four pages…


Marvel Comics #1 segnala: Silvio Spaventa Filippi (31 August 1871 – 21 October 1931, Italy) was a novelist, journalist and translator.

At the age of 21, he became the editor of the newspaper “La Lombardia” in Milan. In 1903, he moved to “Corriere della Sera” and in 1908 he became the founding editor of “Corriere dei Piccoli”.

The children’s supplement to the newspaper became the first regular comics magazine in Italy and Filippi remained its editor until his death. The magazine, later renamed “Corriere dei Ragazzi” and fondly called ‘Corrierino’, was published until 1995.

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Di Sconosciuto – Silvio Spaventa Filippi e il Corriere dei Piccoli, Osanna editore, 1987, Pubblico dominio,

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