afNews 27 Settembre 2022 16:53

Anniversari: Romano Scarpa b.1927, Tuono Pettinato b.1976 segnala: Romano Scarpa (27 September 1927 – 23 April 2005, Italy) was a famous creator of Disney comics.

He co-founded an animation studio in the 1940s, creating commercials and adaptations of Hans Christian Andersen stories.

In 1953, he also began creating comics in “Topolino” (“Mickey Mouse”) and he soon left animation to focus on the comics.

He became the regular creator of ‘Topolino’ stories in 1956, to replace the Floyd Gottfredson reprints that ended at that time.

Over his career, he also drew ‘Paperino’ (‘Donald Duck’) stories and occasional stories for other publishers.

He created the animated series “Sopra i tetti di Venezia” (in English as “The Adventures of Marco & Gina”; 2002).

At Comiclopedia —
At Wikipedia —
In the GCD —

Romano Scarpa – Coll. Goria segnala: Tuono Pettinato (Andrea Paggiaro) b.1976

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