afNews 3 Maggio 2024 11:40

Tintin A-Z By Michael Farr

Questo volume sembra essere una esclusiva del negozio londinese… Ma non ho trovato immagini dell’interno per capire se sia la traduzione di altro già uscito prima, in inglese o magari in francese. Chi ha info le mandi a grazie. segnala:

Tintin a-z is a tantalising little book. At random just choose a letter, I started with J for my name and ended up reading about Jail…fascinating. I then read about Dreams, something that has always intrigued me when they have appeared in the adventures. Also scared me too…
So, here it is Michael Farr’s latest book allowing us to read more about the background and origin of Hergé’s creation of Tintin.
About this book:
Tintin a – z by Michael Farr·
Published by éditionsmoulinsart·
Exclusivity to The Tintin Shop in the UK·
Number of pages 172·
Dimensions 187 mm x 236 mm·
Printed on Munken Pure 130gr·
Colour printed with laminated soft cover …

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