afNews 21 Settembre 2022 11:47

Anniversari: François Corteggiani b.1953, David Mazzucchelli b.1960, Chuck Jones b.1912 segnala: François Corteggiani (born 21 September 1953, France) is among the most prominent European comics creators. His career began in 1974 with strips in “Spirou”. Starting as an artist and writer/artist, he is now mainly a scenarist. His work spans genres from humor strips and adventure series to westerns. Today he writes gags and humorous stories for “Le Journal de Mickey” along with the western adventures of “Young Blueberry”. On some work he uses the pen name Pujol…

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In the GCD — segnala: David Mazzucchelli (born 21 September 1960, USA) is a comic book writer and artist. He is known for his work on seminal super-hero comic book storylines “Daredevil: Born Again” (Marvel, 1986) and “Batman: Year One” (DC, 1987), both written by Frank Miller. He collaborated with writer Paul Karasik on “City of Glass: The Graphic Novel” (Avon Books, 1994), an adaptation of the novella ‘City of Glass’ by Paul Auster (1985, included in “The New York Trilogy”, 1987). He created the graphic novel “Asterios Polyp” (Pantheon, 2009), which received the inaugural Los Angeles Times Graphic Novel award in 2010. That same year, it received three Eisner Awards at San Diego and three Harvey Awards from his peers. Mazzucchelli is also an instructor at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan…

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In the GCD — segnala: Chuck Jones (21 September 1912 – 22 February 2002, USA) …

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François Corteggiani – foto Gianfranco Goria
Luca Boschi, Dino Aloi e François Corteggiani – Aosta – foto Gianfranco Goria
sceneggiatura in formato storyboard di Corteggiani per la serie Lefranc

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