afNews 16 Novembre 2022 12:01

Anniversari: Giovan Battista Carpi b.1927, Luciano Bottaro b.1931 … segnala: Giovan Battista Carpi (November 16, 1927 – March 3, 1999) was an Italian comics artist. He was born and died in Genoa.

Carpi worked mainly for Disney comics, mostly on books featuring Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck, although he occasionally drew Mickey Mouse as well. He created Paperinik with Guido Martina. He also created other well-known comic characters for Edizioni Bianconi, as Geppo, Nonna Abelarda and Soldino.

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In the GCD — segnala: Luciano Bottaro (16 November 1931 – 25 November 2006, Italy) was a prominent Disney comics artist, a peer of Romano Scarpa and Giovan Battista Carpi.

He published in “Lo Scolaro” from 1949, where he created the humor feature ‘Pon Pon’.

His first Disney work was a ‘Paperino’ (‘Donald Duck’) story in “La Domenica del Corriere” in 1952. For more than 30 years, Bottaro illustrated stories of ‘Paperino’ and other Disney characters.

He was also present at publisher Alpe, where he created ‘Pepito’, and at Bianconi. For a time, he, Giorgio Rebuffi, and Carlo Chendi formed Studio Bierreci.

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In the GCD —

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Giovan Battista Carpi stringe per la prima volta la mano a Will Eisner - a presentare, Gianfranco Goria e Luca Boschi - foto Goria
Giovan Battista Carpi stringe per la prima volta la mano a Will Eisner – a presentare, Gianfranco Goria e Luca Boschi – foto Goria

Luciano Bottaro in una foto di Gianfranco-Goria 2001


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