afNews 11 Aprile 2023 17:31

Anniversari: Dale Messick b.1906 segnala: Dale Messick (11 April 1906 – 5 April 2005, USA) was a comics creator who worked primarily in syndicated strips. 
From the mid-1920s, she earned a living as a commercial illustrator while submitting proposals to the strip syndicates. She eventually stopped using her given name, ‘Dalia’, and used the more-ambiguous nickname ‘Dale’ instead. In 1940, she created her most popular feature, ‘Brenda Starr, Reporter’. Starr was glamorous (her appearance modeled after Rita Hayworth) and also adventurous, traveling the world in pursuit of stories…

At Women in Comics —
At Comiclopedia —
In the GCD —

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