7 Marzo 2007 12:00

Fotoreportage: Uderzo riceve la medaglia dalla Regina


Il nostro corrispondente Laurent Mélikian ci ha inviato il suo foto-reportage da Parigi, in occasione della consegna al grande Uderzo del prestigioso riconoscimento concesso dalla Regina Beatrice di Olanda, consegnatogli dall’Ambasciatore a Parigi per motivi di salute.

 Paris, 6 march 2007: On tuesday March 6th 2007, Albert Uderzo received the Netherlands medal of Lion knight order. A very rare honore accorded by queen Beatrix, specially for a non-dutch person. The ceremony took place at the residency of the dutch ambassador in Paris, his excelency, M Hugo Siblesz. The ceremony was introduced by Jaap Toorenaar from Stripschap and the historian René van Royen. Together with Hugo Siblesz praised the role Asterix played in promoting history and european identity. Dutch has been the first language in wich Asterix was translated. The gaul’s adventures are now also adapted in two other languages in the country, frisian and Twente’s dialect. [Laurent Mélikian]